Ouch. ; It looks nasty for you all in Nashville. ; Our broker/dealer just had their National Conference at the Gaylord Opryland, which ended Friday...my boss came home that day, but some others stayed for the weekend to have a little party time afterwards. ; Goes without saying they probably haven't had quite the fun time they hoped for, and I've been seeing videos showing the Gaylord flooded badly - full evac.
I never thought Nashville could flood that bad - as far back as I can remember, I've never heard of something that bad in that area. ; Mississippi is prone to it, and some tropical storms have hit southern GA and Alabama...flash floods in eastern KY...but I just didn't think Nashville would get that kind of river rise.
As for insurance...Your best hope might be everyone who's getting the shaft from insurance getting together for some kind of demand for action or class action to try to get an exception - otherwise, I haven't heard of getting a flood claim from rising waters (as opposed to falling water damage) on the standard homeowner's policy without a flood clause. ; How about state or federal disaster assistance? ; I'm sure you guys have, or will be, declared a disaster?