Insurance and flooding


We received close to 19 inches of rain between Saturday and Sunday in my area of Bellevue, TN. Unfortunately, my basement was flooded and as a result the majority of my camera equipment is damaged or destroyed. I do not live in a flood plain, so I never could qualify for flood insurance. Has any one ever had any luck with claims for water damage against their home owners policy? I know it is a long shot, but figure I should at least ask my insurer.
My parents have never had problem getting flood insurance even though they have never lived in a flood plain. ; But from what I'm hearing from other friends in the TN area, they are all being told they are SOL on the homeowner's claim. ; But, you never know. ; If you have a local agent and they are sympathetic they may know a way to get around that little nuisance.
If your insurance won't help could you try and contact the equipment makers and see if they would repair the damaged items at no charge? They might be a bit more sympathetic than the insurance company.
Typically flood coverage is excluded in homeowner's policies and must be carried as a separate policy, but you should call your insurance agent to confirm that. ;
Ouch. ; It looks nasty for you all in Nashville. ; Our broker/dealer just had their National Conference at the Gaylord Opryland, which ended boss came home that day, but some others stayed for the weekend to have a little party time afterwards. ; Goes without saying they probably haven't had quite the fun time they hoped for, and I've been seeing videos showing the Gaylord flooded badly - full evac.

I never thought Nashville could flood that bad - as far back as I can remember, I've never heard of something that bad in that area. ; Mississippi is prone to it, and some tropical storms have hit southern GA and Alabama...flash floods in eastern KY...but I just didn't think Nashville would get that kind of river rise.

As for insurance...Your best hope might be everyone who's getting the shaft from insurance getting together for some kind of demand for action or class action to try to get an exception - otherwise, I haven't heard of getting a flood claim from rising waters (as opposed to falling water damage) on the standard homeowner's policy without a flood clause. ; How about state or federal disaster assistance? ; I'm sure you guys have, or will be, declared a disaster?
Justin's right, maybe fema or the gov will step in?

fema seemed to care of everyone without homeowners insurance down here in florida during the 04 hurricanes.
I think your only hope is if there was no standing water outside your home. If it was ground seep you may be able to claim it.

Man that stinks. You have some beautiful stuff. ; I wish you well with this.
Not sure about Federal assistance; the heavy rain flooding in New England not too long ago has been denied individual disaster assistance by the current administration.

But a second to everyone else here - anyone can get flood insurance, it just costs more for those in flood plains. ; However, you really need to review your policy as there is a slight difference from rain v. river flooding.
You want to see 'costs more', try hurricane insurance in South Florida. ; Sheesh!

Hopefully the fed might step in, as it was a pretty severe flooding (not that New England wasn't - but this one came on shockingly fast and costs dozens of lives, whereas AFAIK the New England flooding was slower rising, though long lasting, and didn't directly result in any deaths). ; The governor of TN declared a disaster in 52 counties, so that at least puts it on the table for possible Federal or state relief funds.
Contact your local OEM office and see if the coordinator has information for you in regards to FEMA assistance.
If there has been a state of emergency declared for your area, you qualify for FEMA. ; I hope that you can get this taken care of. ; Good luck, and keep us all posted.