
Mine: thetombricker
Wife's: distouristblog

Ironically, my wife's is filled with much better photos. In fairness, she has an iPhone 4 and I have a 3gs.

A lot of "real" photographers hate Instagram, but I love it. It stylizes a typically poor quality to make it more visually engaging. It can be a bit cliche, but I see it as harmless. "Real" photographers are way too uptight about a lot...
I have the app and have never used it. ; Please explain what Instagram is and what is for.
Tim think of it as a Twitter account. But instead of updates, you post photos. There are preset filters that give your photos vintage feel. I signed up for it with the intent of posting pics I've taken with my iPhone. I've put a couple that I've taken with my Canon, but most are from my iPhone.
"Tim" said:
; Please explain what Instagram is and what is for.

It is another extension of the Facebook Empireâ„¢ that will make Zuckerberg even more money based on the fact that photos that look like they are from the early color film era(1950s) is currently considered "hip".
I bolted Instagram as soon as Facebook gobbled it up. ; I just tweet for photos now if I have the urge to do so and host them at my Zenfolio site.
I never liked Instagram. ; The pictures with that "vintage" filtering drove me batty. ; If I wanted to look at old pictures, I would look at my old photo albums. ; I find the pervasive use of those stylings as annoying as the need for young women to do duck lips in their group shots