I'm excited to be here!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by biblioadonis, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. biblioadonis

    biblioadonis Member

    My screen name is biblioadonis (bib-lee-o-adonis) but you can call me George.

    Um...I have a SONY Cybershot DSC-W80. I bought it mainly for two reasons: extra long battery life and the ability to record 640 x 480 video with sound.

    Of course, I have an obsession with Disney theme parks--specifically books about the Disney parks.

    My Disney/photogrpahy bio:
    1994: First trip to WDW with a simple point and shoot 35 mm (about 45 pictures)
    1996: First trip to Disneyland with the same camera (about 200 pictures--but mostly of buildings and not much thought went into the shots)
    1997: WDW with a Kodak Advantix APS point and shoot. Took about 200 shots and my brother-in-law took about 200 of their own (I was in some WDW photos--WOOT!)
    1998: Disneyland no pictures. Just a fun and fast trip with one of my brothers
    2000: WDW with a Nikon Point and Shoot (hated it, took it back right after the trip but still took over 400 shots--)
    2001: WDW with a Nikon Pro-Nea S APS. Absolutely loved this camera (only stopped using it to go digital and save money on film. We ended up with about 400 shots about both my brothers and my dad took pictures so we have about 800)
    2004: WDW with a Nikon E400 digital. We took about 800 shots. The battery didn't last longer than half a day and the write lag was unbearable.
    2006: WDW with a Sony Cybershot DSC-W30. LOVE this camera. We took well over 1200 photos. The battery lasted almost three days without a recharge. Also took some great video without having to lug the Handycam around. We actually just upgraded our camera last month to the W80.

    I really push people to take lots of pictures while on vacation. Years later, it can be the only way you remember parts of the trip.

    I found this board from modemmike (apparently a body part was replaced by a modem--similar to the 6 million dollar man, but MUCH cheaper).

    I am not a pro photographer. Really interested in advice and getting the best pictures I can with my simple point and shoot!
  2. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Welcome George!

    I would say most of us here are not "professional" photographers. I wouldn't call myself one even though I have been published.

    There are lots of tips to be had, and if you have any questions about any photos, or settings, feel free to ask!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  3. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Welcome George! Another non-pro here - this board seems to be a pretty good mix of a few 'pros', a few 'amateurs' who shoot like pros, and a few hobbyist/amateur photographers...and even a few snapshotters who just love Disney. I think you'll get on just fine around here.

    I have had quite a few Sony cameras over the past few years - I like their features, image quality, stamina, and build quality, and have had good experiences with them - even as my photography grows. I've even had photographs published in two magazines and done 3 paid shoots with my Sonys...quite to my surprise as I really have no ambitions to be a professional photog. So far, I haven't been able to drum up much enthusiasm for carrying around a DSLR body, lenses, accessories, cleaning kits, etc - I know I could get better results from a DSLR, but I weigh convenience, portability, price, and fun into the mix too, and for me an advanced 'prosumer' style P&S camera is just right for me.

    And I'm a biiiiiiiiiiig Disney nut - as one tends to be here! I go to Disney World alot - 30+ days a year - since I live two-and-a-half hours' drive away. My grandmother drove the family down from New Jersey in 1971 to check out this new theme park opening in the Florida swamp...a 3 day drive in those days before interstate highways linked everything from coast to coast. We came back every year until 1975, when we decided to move to Florida. Of course, I then went to Disney multiple times a year through 1990. In 1990, I moved to California, where fortunately a few hours' drive got me to Disneyland...which I visited multiple times a year until 1994, when I moved back to Florida. A few years later, I bought into the Disney Vacation Club, bought the annual pass, and now it's a second home! No more worrying about costs each visit - just a tank of gas, and a few hundred for food and drinks, gets me a luxury 5-day weekend! Believe it or not, Disney photography didn't really become a true hobby for me until 2000...it was mostly just snapping family and friends. But the digital age has really taught me to enjoy the Disney parks for a whole new reason - there are so many simply wonderful photographic opportunities throughout the parks and resorts!

    Feel free to ask your photography questions, any post-processing questions, your Disney questions, or just post some of your own stuff for fun. And again, welcome to the boards!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  4. jcvalenti

    jcvalenti Member

    Hi there George - welcome to the forums. Posting a picture of yourself with a half-yard will make you lots of friends around here, that's for sure.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. biblioadonis

    biblioadonis Member

    Yeah...the half yard was after traveling all day without a lot of food. I got about halfway through it before I realized that I needed to slow down.

    For me, it is simplicity. I took my camcorder in 2004 but never wanted to take it through the security checks at the park entrances. So, no video in 2004. It isn't the best (no zoom once you start), but you gotta love taking ONE piece of equipment to the parks. Besides, with a family in tow, my shots always include one of them...so I don't get many of the architectural shots that I love so much.

    Thanks for the warm welcome!
  6. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    welcome aboard, george...
  7. Hello George,

    I've had a few Cyber Shot point and shoots cams over the years. They do a nice job and are a pretty fast capture, compact and fun to use. Looking forward to seeing some of your pics!
  8. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    i've had three of them in the past... loved 'em all, just outgrew them. welcome aboard!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  9. biblioadonis

    biblioadonis Member

    Three of the half yards? At one time? ;D
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  10. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    that WOULD be a good time.... can never outgrow them, however :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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