I think I got it


Global Moderator
Alright so I have been working on creating my own logo for sometime now, and have not had much success, until today, I think. ; I was hoping that you would all help me out. ; Do you like it? ; Do you like one color variation over the other? ; I am open to any and all thoughts and ideas. ; If you don't like it, tell me please. ; Thanks for the help.



Thanks again for the help, I really appreciate it.
That's what I was leaning towards, but I was also thinking that if I put it on a photo with a gallery type border, and went white I needed the white version. ; My blog is a black background so the dark one is perfect for that. ; I am wondering if there is a way to take this and remove the background or make it transparent so only the image and font change colors. ; Anyone with better photoshop abilities out there, thoughts on that option?
You can create a GIF with a transparent background. ; Or a PNG which is better than GIF, but won't actually show properly if you have a web visitor who is still using IE 6. ; {shudder}
Dark looks good as the primary - with the white as the switch if you need it on a different background.
I like the idea, but can I comment on the execution? If the roughness of the edges of the turtle is on purpose, OK leave it that way, but if not, you should consider redrawing it with vectors. Putting this, as is, on photos would probably be either too large if you want to be able to read your name, or too small if you don't want it to distract from the photo. Consider using this version sometimes, and make another one with a small turtle either in front of or behind your signature so it flows along the edge of a photo.

Erich, were you referring to something like this?



My thoughts on using this are three-fold. ; First of all, I would use it on the top of my blog similar to how Tim here uses the roll of film for his. ; Secondly, when I put a photo in a gallery type frame, I would put this along the bottom in the frame itself so as to not take away from the photo, yet still identify it as mine. ; Thirdly, for the times that I wasn't "framing" the photo and wanted to watermark it for some reason, I would use one of these in the bottom right corner probably of my photos.

Thanks for the input, and please keep it coming, I like the thoughts that have been thrown out there.
I struggled with the same light vs dark logo when I created mine. ; In reality, both work equally well and should be developed so you have them available in case you need them for other uses like business cards, etc. ; I'll also second Erich's suggestion to produce it in a vector format (using Illustrator or other vector based software) because that will give you infinite flexibility in scaling the logo. ; ; Having said that, I like the dark one a little better.

For the blog banner, were you thinking about something like this?



  • JDierking Photography Banner.jpg
    JDierking Photography Banner.jpg
    25.4 KB · Views: 57
Yeah I think I like that a lot for a banner Mike, Thanks! ; I'll have to look for something that will let me do what you are describing.
Alright, here are a few more, this time, banner style and with a little splash of color. ; Keep the thoughts coming guys, I am enjoying trying to figure out how to do this. ; I am working with Gimp 2.6 and so far this seems to be proving pretty easy. ; I just have to learn what all of these tools do. ; Lol!


very cool Jeff!
and Mike,, I am still using the logo you created for me a few years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THANKS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!