I need to find a place...

Discussion in 'Digital Cameras & Equipment' started by Jeff Fillmore, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    I need to find a place to test this out this weekend- any ideas?

  2. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    I'm not sure, but I'm thinking Peter Pan's Flight would be a good place. ; Or maybe Splash Mountain.

    MAELSTROM! ; (the troll scene is vast and begs for a WA large aperture prime)

    You lucky dog!

    [me=Roger]shouldn't say anything, he is probably getting a new toy in a few weeks as well.[/me]
  3. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    you are a lucky dog!
    thats awesome!!!!!!!

    Thats the one lens I really want, and have just given up ever getting.
  4. mSummers

    mSummers Member

    Cool! ; I can't wait to see some shots from it. ; Congratulations!

    Same here... ; I gave up on it a year ago and decided to wait until Nikon comes out with a new one...
  5. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Ditto what everyone else has said. That's a nice prime & I can't wait to see what it produces. ENJOY!
  6. mPower

    mPower Member

    Wow....so what are you doing with the rest of the lottery winnings? ;)

  7. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Ha- I got a good deal on it but will be selling my 24-70/2.8 soon which I never use anyway. ;
  8. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Wow...what would I do with a wide low light prime like that??!! ; Let's see - auction scene in POTC - you could actually get the entire scene in the shot, bridge and all. ; Haunted Mansion cemetary scene - the whole cemetary! ; Great Movie Ride - the Alien scene in the spaceship corridor. ; Nemo show - the whole stage! ; Living with the Land - farmhouse scene, wide view, ground level! ; Ellen's Energy Adventure - dinosaur scenes (especially the first one with the brontosaurs in the sunrise). ; Jungle Cruise - inside the Thai temple.

    There's a few ideas for you!
  9. Paul

    Paul Member

    Great suggestions Justin. ; I would add inside the Mexico pavilion
  10. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Great suggestions-

    So far I have just quickly tried it at work and last night out the car window waiting on a train to pass. ; Nothing special pics but the thing is a light magnet though- I swear the sky was completely dark, and it did not even run up the auto-iso too far.


  11. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Jeff, it looks like you've got a few hot pixels there in the sky.

    Oh wait.....
  12. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Well I know how amazing the F1.7 lens is shooting at night wide open at ISO1600 or 3200 - it almost feels like night-vision goggles, the way it finds light I didn't even know was there. ; So I can only imagine how sweet it would be on an F1.4, plus your camera's much increased ISO capability! ; And I'm stuck with APS-cropped 50mm (75mm), so I also don't get nearly as wide a view as you!
  13. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Justin, you can always rent one. ; Sigma makes 2, and Sony has the 35/1.4G.
  14. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    I need to look into that...I figured the rental places would deal in only Nikon/Canon, and not much else. ; I'd be willing to rent the Sony 35 F1.4 - that looks like a sharp lens. ; I've been tempted to pick up the Sigma 30mm F1.4, despite it being very soft in the corners wide open and fair amount of CA...just because the price is about half of what those types of lenses go for. ; That would give me an almost-normal 45mm crop.
  15. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Roger added Sony and Olympus to his portfolio at lensrentals.com

    I noticed the two Sigmas (20/1.8 and 30/1.4) along with the Sony 35/1.4G.
  16. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    Cool...thanks for the link. ; I may just hook that up for my next Disney trip.
  17. WDWFigment

    WDWFigment Member

    Wow, that is one sweet lens. ; Did you get the one on eBay that recently sold for a buy-it-now of $1,950? ; That's still an insane price (at least for me!), but it's a good $500 below the next closest completed auction. ; If that was you, nice work!
  18. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Well it does not look like I will be getting to DW this weekend- maybe next- but so far I am loving the lens. ; I had an awards banquet for work last night and my wife and I went out to Clearwater Beach for a walk afterword- so I got to give the lens a little test run.

    First things first- she was not walking in heels so she bought some flip flops-



    Me walking around the store while she picked some out-


    Still carrying my coat in case she gets cold. ; ::) ; Lots of beach houses for sale-


    I noticed the place was named after her AFTER I took the picture-


    Empty streets-



    And of course the Pier-



    View from the pier- it actually looked even darker than this shot at ISO 6400-

  19. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    I can only imagine...if that's ISO6400, that must have been bump-into-things dark! ; Definitely what I love about those F1.0-1.8 range lenses! ; Lookin good over there on the other coast.
  20. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Awesome shots Jeff. That lens has got some serious upside.

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