I may like to get soaked, but my camera doesn't....cameras and wet rides


Staff member
OK.....This has puzzled me.

How do you take pictures on rides such as Splash Mountain and keep the camera from getting a potentially harmful bath on that oh so loved final plunge? Even more so on such rides as Kali River Rapids?
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kali = dont bother
splash = tuck camera under shirt and lean forward when splashing down into briar patch.

simple as that.
I knew Tim had a low-tech answer :)

I was contemplating putting a plastic bag from Wal-Mart in my camera bag and pulling it out for Splash Mountain and throwing the camera in there real quick before we took the plunge. After getting soaked on PotC at Disneyland I'm not a bit more concerned about getting wet when armed with my camera
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The splash is worse at Disneyland than WDW.

And Ray, please use a bag from Target. Wal-Mart is a vile corporation that is trying to take over the world. 'Nuff said!
For me I tuck it into my backpack. I have a standard (non photo) backpack, so it loads from the top. I'm fairly good at quickly tucking things into it and zipping it up. It's not entirely waterproof, but it's reasonably resistant, enough for Splash Mountain. I wouldn't count on it to keep my camera dry in Kali though. For heavy rain the backpack has a rain fly which experience tells me I can rely on, in RAIN.. but in Kali the water comes from too many angles, I can't be certain that the fly would fully protect it.

I think the plastic bag may be an even better solution in some ways, I actually have ziplock bags big enough to close around my camera as long as I don't have a long lens on it. It would be faster to slip a camera inside a bag. But with it in my backpack I can just leave it there when I get off the ride, I have less things to hold and I can leave it safe and dry while my clothes and skin are drying off.

I admit I'm sorely tempted to pick up a waterproof P&S for this year.. but Olympus seems to make about the only option available and the word is the autofocus isn't too reliable, plus I'm unhappy that it uses XD instead of SD cards.

I'd really like to get a shot on Kali. I could get so many good shocked expressions if I could time the shot just right for when a wall of water is crashing down on us.
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they make waterproof single use *gasp* FILM cameras... that might be good for a goof!
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Oh no.. never again. I'll wrap my cell phone (with built in camera) in a plastic bag and see how much quality I can get shooting through plastic before I revert to film.
Actually.. I see no reason that I couldn't make an improvised water proof skin out of a ziplock bag plus some sort of flat high grade plastic for the viewing window. I don't know where I'd get optical grade plastic.. but there must be a source somewhere.
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