I have joined the Nikon Family....

Well, just arrived in my mail today...My brand new Nikon D-200 with grip, and a nice Back up portrait camera, my Fuji S3. I've been playing all day-so far I am very happy with both Cameras. I have a Wedding this weekend, so it will be my first big job with the new Cams.

Actually I've heard really good things about the S5 for portraits. But that's not the S3.
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Well, so far the Fuji S3 have been AMAZING for colors. I've never seen such true to life colors on any DSLR that I've used. The Nikon is a great camera as well, and fast! My husband uses the Nikon for Sports and action. But I've found the Fuji is a better portrait camera because it has true life skin tones. The S5 is my next venture, and the good news is it is built off the D-200 body so we will get along just fine! Soon, the D-300 comes out and we will most likely get that one before the S5.
Congratulations on two very nice cameras. I'm with you on the d300. I keep reading the nikon brochures trying to justify the leap. I love that all the adjustments I use are a button on the body, instead of through a menu. Plus its brand new!
I used the same film camera for 17 years, Now I already want a new digital body. :-\
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