I guess it's official- I'm in a slump

So here I am in Destin Florida for work right now and have been since Sunday afternoon. ; Beach town- nice hotel- and all week after 5pm it's nothing but me-time. ; I have not felt much like taking pictures in general lately- so for this trip I decided to do something about it and brought along pretty much my whole kit thinking all this solo time in a new town might spark something creative. ; Unfortunately it's now Wednesday morning and I have not even opened my camera bag yet. ; Every morning I keep thinking maybe I'll do some shooting that afternoon- then when the afternoon comes I'm just like meh- don't feel like it. ; Last night I actually brought some extra work back to the hotel to keep me occupied- I mean really- what's wrong with me? ; This is a first for me- for the last five years or so since getting back into photography I have been pretty much consumed with it as a hobby and this would have been a dream come true.

Anyway- enough about me- do you ever get in a slump? ; How do you get out of it?
Yeah I get into slumps sometimes.....it just takes time really to get out of it. ; Something when you're out walking around or just talking to someone else will bring it out.

If I didn't know any better sounds like you are burned out. ; I got that way with my Grumpy's Hollow Disney Blog. ; I was into it for a good long time and then BAM...I cannot write to it to save my life. ; Heck, I have my entire 5-day trip to Disneyland written up and all it needs it the accompanying pictures and I can post, but I just cannot get motivated to finish it
I've only really gotten back into photography in the last 2 years, and haven't experienced a slump so far. But, I'm a bit different than most seem to be in that I'm more of an "occasion" photographer. I don't carry a camera with me all the time, so when I do take it with me, it's for the sole purpose of taking photos. That gives me time to look forward to an occasion, and plan it out a bit more. It does take away spontaneity, and the chance to happen to catch the light or conditions for that "wow" shot, but it also has its advantages.

Perhaps it's just time for you to take a break and recharge your batteries. Or, try something completely out of your comfort zone. Try a week or 2 of using nothing but the camera on your cell phone, assuming it has one.

Well, heck Jeff, what does Destin, Florida look like? ; Never been there. ; Which coast? ; If on the west coast, you might want to take pictures before the oil hits. ; If on the east coast...hmmm, how about a sunrise? ; Before work instead of after.

Or you might need some downtime. ; Step away for a bit. Read a book of fiction or other kind beside photography. ; Fill your brain with good stuff. ; Never know when the photobug will strike you.
Sounds like you need some time off. ; I usually put the camera away for a week or two and then go shoot something in my comfort zone (usually trains). ; I'm not sure if its the time off, or the comfort zone shooting or a combination of both that does the trick. ; Fortunately, most of my slumps have coincided with a major deadline at work, so I was forced to put the camera away due to a complete lack of time to go shoot. ;
If you have seen Jeff's flickr stream lately, I think his daughter found out how to get Daddy out of his slump. ; :)
"Scottwdw" said:
If you have seen Jeff's flickr stream lately, I think his daughter found out how to get Daddy out of his slump. ; :)

Sure does! ; I haven't had time to check Flickr in a while... ; I've been really busy at work.