I am looking for a backup Digital Camera :)

My Digital Camera's screen is all white, but the good news is it can still take photos. You just have to look through the small window rather than the view screen. Anyways Sony will fix it, but since it can still take photos I am going to wait until after my 8 day disney trip in June, because I am sure they will not have it fixed by then.

Anyways I feel blessed that I can still take photos and that I don't have to use my 35mm camera and I like my 35mm camera, but I like to take a lot of photos so it cost me more money when I use my 35mm camera.

What I would like to find is a digital camera that I can use as a backup and just another camera to have. It does not need to be anything really special, as long as I can use my sony memory card that holds about 1,000 photo and as long as my energizer rechargeable batteries will work in it like they do my other camera. This way if my digital camera goes bad right before one of my really long disney vacations I can have a back up to use.

Does anyone have any ideas ? I found this one from sony

http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSH ... gapixels_7

I am thinking about getting that one or something like it for a backup. It looks nice and simple :) I had a hard time reading everything on that link and I think it's because of my computer, so is the page clear for you ?

Anyways I was looking for ideas so I thought I would ask :) Thanks :)

P.S. I hope this post goes threw, because not everything is working right on my computer, because JavaScript is not in my browser anymore or something ?
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i think that would be a more than capable backup camera for you. price isn't bad either. what are you going to get fixed and how much is it going to cost? depending on how much they hose you charge you for repairs, it might be time for replacement...
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Actually it will not cost us anything for them to fix it. My mom is sending it back to sony and I guess it's part of the service for them to fix this. It's the view finder screen that shows that photos after they where taken and all that other stuff. All that shows up on the view finder is a white screen and this is the second time that this has happend ? Sony fixed it once before and now it happend again.

"Tim" said:
i think that would be a more than capable backup camera for you. price isn't bad either. what are you going to get fixed and how much is it going to cost? depending on how much they hose you charge you for repairs, it might be time for replacement...
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Well I purchased the camera and it looks awesome :) I did not know that they have got so much better in the last 2 or so years :) The camera that I have used before is my mom's camera that she got for Christmas of 2005 and it is an awesome camera that cost about $289 or so. Sony and other people said that the camera that I purchased at $129 is even better than my moms camera :) So they seemed to have got a lot better and still gone way down in price :)

I had to purchased 2 more memory cards since my old one will not fit in this camera, so I guess you could say it all came to a little under $200. The camera and the 2 memory cards with tax came to about $190 or so. I say that is a pretty good deal :) So I am very happy with my new camera and this time I don't have to use my moms camera, I can use my own :)
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