Hippo ACTION! (or, why you don't mess with a hippo)


Staff member
Those silly, fat, peaceful smiling pinkish beasties that lie around in the water grunting - kids love them, people smile when they see them, they're so ugly they're cute. ; Right?

Sure...here's a little nose-to-nose snuggling...awwww (link to 1024 pixel long original below each photo):



Then there's that Jeckyl-and-Hyde flipside that you hear about - hippos kill more people in Africa than lions, cheetahs, and crocodiles...COMBINED. ; They're not trying to eat anyone...they're just very territorial, and will attack anything messing with their turf or pond. ; Problem is, a quick attack, one simple bite, from a hippo usually spells the end for the unfortunate tresspasser. ; And here's why -

1. They may be slower on land, but they are very quick in water, and hide really well under the surface holding their breath for a long time..when they pop up to attack, you barely have time to realize it:


2. They can open their mouth very very wide:


3. They, and their mouth, are very very big:


4. Inside that wide-opening and very big mouth are some really big tusks and teeth:


5. Maybe you want a closer look at how big those tusks and teeth are:


These two hippos were only playing - but I have been through there hundreds of times and haven't caught quite this much action at the hippo window ever before. ; They were jumping, fighting, making huge waves, flipping upside down past the window, lunging out of the water, and grunting like crazy. ; The cast member was quite excited - it was the most action HE'D seen too...and the crowds who often just take a single glance at the window before moving on to the gorillas was instead standing-room-only to see the action. ; I was lucky to have walked in just at the beginning of their antics, and so had a front-window seat for the whole thing.
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Here I was excited when one swam by the window when I was there last time. ; Excellent action shots and coverage, Justin.
I'm very jealous.

Hippos are magnificent creatures - when viewed from a very long distance, or with very strong barriers between me and them. They're incredibly aggressive with anything that enters their territory, including people.

I hope I can catch a glimpse of such activity the next time I'm in AK.
Thanks Tim, polynesian and pixie.

Scott, that's pretty much what I get on the best days there - either an empty pool, one sleeping hippo underwater way off in the distance, or if it's a good day, a hippo will go by the window. ; This was a pretty rare and cool thing to see them so active...I never even thought they could jump out of the water so quickly!

Thanks Will - agreed - they are amazing, but best viewed from a point of safety!
Hmmm...maybe someone was holding a Hershey's bar against the glass...

Or maybe I will next time I go! ; ;)