Hi from the NEWbie in town

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by King of the Castle, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. Hello Disney-a-holics,

    My name is Sean, aka Husband to the Princess (Princess For The Day-Candice). I am very happy to join this site, I had to join after seeing all the fun my wife is having with it! I think Candice already said this, we met Tim after I was "ooogeling" (is that a word?) his fancy tri-pod one night after leaving the Magic Kingdom. He probably thought I was a freak, (well, I am) but luckily we started a brief conversation about cameras, which led to him giving us his business card for this site.

    Now, lets talk about me...

    I grew up taking pictures with my older brother in Hawaii and California. I am pretty much self taught. I learned to shoot on an old Argus C44R. I later upgraded to a Minolta 101, and then I fell in love with Canon. From there I worked with Canon's AT-1 to an A1, which I still own and love. I stopped shooting pictures for a few years, up until I met my future wife 6 years ago. She asked to see some of my old camera's and found out we had many of the same camera's. From there, we started taking pictures together, firing up the old shutterbug in me. Although its a low format, I really enjoyed the short lived Canon EOS SLR in APS (which I still pick up and use from time to time). From there, my photography took two drastic turns...1) I went digital and 2) I now use Olympus E-Systems DSLRs. (I will probably go back to Canon shortly for myself, and my wife uses her Olympus for her Portrait Photography.)

    Our household is filled with cameras! Together, we have over 20 camera's, old and new. In the real world, (when I am not playing at WDW) I am a general contractor and my wife's photographer's assistant. I specialize in lighting techniques and finding available light.

    I have a love for Disney that started when I was a child and my Father would take me to Disneyland when we lived in California. My wife and I have Premium passes to WDW and we go quite often to have fun, take pictures, pin trade and be an Indy Race Car Driver! (I am a Garage Mechanic and I love working on anything with a motor/engine)

    So now that you've read my life story, in 100 words or less, I just wanted to say Hi and introduce myself. Here's a picture of me-being me! (This is taken at EPCOT at The Seas with Nemo and Friends-inside Bruce the Sharks mouth.)

    [This attachment has been purged. Older attachments are purged from time to time to conserve disk space. Please feel free to repost your image.]
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    welcome aboard, sean... glad to see you made it over here.
  3. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Welcome Sean!
  4. jcvalenti

    jcvalenti Member

    Hi there, Sean. Welcome to the boards.

    I understand the Tripod envy ... I've been waffling over a new tripod for about 6 months ... mine is woefully inadequate, but I just can't decide what I want to replace it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  5. Hi Honey! Nice picture, I wonder who took it? ::)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    i was going to say welcome, chum, but that would be a BAAAAAAD pun...

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