HELP please


Im in a bind, ??? :-[

I hav many food intolerance's due to medical issues and I'm in the process of figuring out my ADR's that are due like almost now...

I have a few places picked out but now I'm stuck... i need 2 more places to find but everything i look up has no way of accommodating me looking at their menu...

No Red Meat, No deep fried or too much oil and no dairy, a few other things that i can get by on but those are the main ones,

any suggestions, i know lots of places accommodate regardless but i don't want to spend my entire honeymoon calling all the restaurants 48 hours before had

Help Please ;:-\
What do you have picked now and what ones can't you go to? This will help us in making suggestions
if you're not using a travel agent :-), make it known when you're making your ADRs and the allergies/ etc. will be noted on the file, and you'll get a number for the restaurant
oh i have a TA, hes lurking around here somewhere lol

ok i think we got them all what do you guys think... let me know of any experiences..if they are accommodating

things i can eat is Grilled chicken and seafood (not in butter though)

Teppen Edo
Sci-Fi Dine in
Spirit of Aloha ( here im a little worried but i want to see this)
Chef Mickey's fun time buffet

all these seam to have either chicken or seafood on the menu so i hope these will work out,
I know how you feel I have such trouble eating out as well. I don't eat any meat or seafood and have a few allergies as well! (My fam gets meat) I don't know if you looked up the menus for the reasturants but here is the link

Just click on the restaurant and you will find the menu.

I liked Chrystal Palace (buffet) in MK and Le Cellier in Epot made me whatever I wanted (plus this is a GREAT restaurant and so yummy! Oh and its in the Canadian Pavilion!!) We also liked Wolfgang puck in Downtown Disney. I didn't call ahead to let them know about my allergies, I just told the waiter and they let me know what they could do for me. Disney dining will also put it on file as well.

Good luck! :)
When Sean and I went this past December, they were very, very accomodating at the Turf Club Bar and Grill at Saratoga Springs. ; It is just a short distance from Downtown Disney and right off the boat dock. ; I looked at the menu and seen chicken, but me being a very picky eater didn't want to even go near the goat cheese or whatever else was on the menu. ; We had asked the waiter if I could get just chicken and potatoes or something simple. ; Next thing I know I was talking to the chef that said he would take care of me and make me a chicken breast and some mashed potatoes. ; He also threw in some green beans which I hate, but tried and loved. ; He was so accomodating we went back again and I wondered if I would get the same service, sure enough out comes the chef again and he did the same thing all over again. ;

I would have to say if you see something on the menu that would be the start of your meal, just ask the waiter if you can get it without this or that. ; I am positive they will accomodate you in any way that you can and you will have a great meal experience. ; We avoided restaurants before because neither Sean or myself didn't see anything we like, but now that we know they will try to accomodate, I would be more willing to try more restaurants. ; Disney wants you to have a good dining experience, so as long as you tell them your food intolerances before you even order, they will most likely be more than happy to help you out.
I just got back from a trip to the world, and one of my dining companions was a very picky eater. ; He had no problems getting a plain piece of meat with no sauces or spices at any of the restaurants we dined at including Sanaa and Ohana. ; Just let the servers be aware of your limitations, and you should be fine.