Help choosing best lens! - My First post


Hello everybody! ; this is my first post- woo hoo!

I am trying to figure out which lens to purchase for our upcoming trip. ; All I currently have is the 14-42 mm lens that came on the camera. ; ( I shoot with an Olympus E620).

I struggle in low light, and my parade photos haven't been great.

I've looked around and seen some people who suggest a wide angle lens, others recommend a prime lens....what does that mean?

Any help or thoughts would be great. ; My goal is to be able to take better pics inside attractions without a flash, parades and nighttime fireworks.

Thanks in advance and happy easter!
Welcome to the forums srmaggio!

I think you probably have two needs. ; For inside attractions pics without a flash, I'd look at either the Sigma 30/1.4 or the Panasonic 25/1.4. ; The latter is very expensive, but it would a little wider than the Sigma after the cropping conversion.

For fireworks, your kit lens should be fine; you just need a tripod and a remote release. ; However, if you need something wider, you have a few options.

Here is the Four Thirds lens chart:

For wide angle they list four, three by Olympus and one by Sigma. ; The Sigma would be the cheapest.

Parades: ; What are you exactly having problems with? ; Do you want something longer so you can zoom into characters in the parade? ; Or is your camera having problems focusing at night?
Roger- ; Thanks so very much for your thoughts. ; I have done some research on the Sigma lens, and it appears to have very mixed reviews- quite a few people have given it negative feedback. Do you have this lens? ; Any problems with it?

Also, in regards to the parades, yes, they are the nighttime parades. ; I have tried several settings on my camera, and used my external flash with not much success. ; I think I am still having a hard time knowing when to do "what" on my settings.

I've taken several classes at the local camera store too....just can't seem to get it.

I thought maybe I just didn't have the right equipment. ; Low light has been really the tough spot for me. ;
Which Sigma are you referring to? ; The wide angle one?

I've never used either of them, however, the Sigma 30/1.4 comes very widely respected. ; For nighttime parades, I would start with that lens. ; I was going to recommend renting it first, but I noticed that Lensrentals doesn't actually carry the 30/1.4 for the 4/3 line. ; They have the Panasonic 25/1.4 and the Sigma 50 (the latter of which I think would be too long of a lens for you to start with....)

I would try the Sigma out first to see how it theory the camera should autofocus better because you'll have more light reaching the AF sensor.
Yep, the Sigma 30 mm f 1.4. ; In theory, if I purchase this lens, do you think I can get fairly decent shots inside darker attractions ?

Again, I really appreciate your thoughts. ; This is all just so new.
"srmaggio" said:
Also, in regards to the parades, yes, they are the nighttime parades. ; I have tried several settings on my camera, and used my external flash with not much success. ; I think I am still having a hard time knowing when to do "what" on my settings.

Disney photography is it's own little niche that doesn't quite fit into most photography classes. :) ; One of the big reasons for this site.

Anyway, ; for night parades other than MSEP/Spectromagic, I would use shutter priority mode, shoot at 1/60 sec or faster, ISO probably 1600 or maybe faster, and center weighted metering (spot if you can add a stop of exposure to the what the meter is telling you). ; That's with the 30/1.4. ; If the camera is telling you that your aperture can go to 2.8 or more, you can turn down the ISO or shoot even faster, like 1/100 sec.

MSEP/Spectro: ; You'll need every ounce of light to get the pics to turn out. ; Not sure if you can set a minimum shutter speed on the 620 or not, and use Auto ISO (with no AutoISO and ISO of 1600 to start)....But I would start with 1/30 or 1/45 sec shutter priority mode, center weighted metering but add a stop or two of exposure compensation. ; After taking the first few pics, check the shots on the camera and adjust the exposure compensation as needed for proper exposure. ; Full manual mode is best but needs more attention than one of the other modes.

Inside the rides will do well with the 30/1.4 as well, with about the same exposure settings as MSEP/Spectromagic, but you'll need an ISO of 1600 or maybe even 3200. ; Yes 3200 will be noisy but you can correct that later with software. ; You should be able to get decent pics inside then!