Hello everybody! ; this is my first post- woo hoo!
I am trying to figure out which lens to purchase for our upcoming trip. ; All I currently have is the 14-42 mm lens that came on the camera. ; ( I shoot with an Olympus E620).
I struggle in low light, and my parade photos haven't been great.
I've looked around and seen some people who suggest a wide angle lens, others recommend a prime lens....what does that mean?
Any help or thoughts would be great. ; My goal is to be able to take better pics inside attractions without a flash, parades and nighttime fireworks.
Thanks in advance and happy easter!
I am trying to figure out which lens to purchase for our upcoming trip. ; All I currently have is the 14-42 mm lens that came on the camera. ; ( I shoot with an Olympus E620).
I struggle in low light, and my parade photos haven't been great.
I've looked around and seen some people who suggest a wide angle lens, others recommend a prime lens....what does that mean?
Any help or thoughts would be great. ; My goal is to be able to take better pics inside attractions without a flash, parades and nighttime fireworks.
Thanks in advance and happy easter!