
Hello. I'm Mark Barbieri from The Woodlands in Texas. I'm not much of a photographer, but I try to make up for that with enthusiasm and expensive equipment.

I've got a wife and two sons (5 and 7). We try to make it out to WDW about once every year or two.
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Hi Mark, and welcome to the boards. We sound pretty similar - I've got a wife and 2 sons (7 and 1 1/2), and we try to make it to WDW every 2 years as well. Coincidentally, I am also not much of a photographer, and try to compensate with tons of expensive gear. It makes me feel better and despite what everyone says, I think bad pictures on a 5D look a lot better than the bad pictures I was taking with my Point and Shoot :)

Welcome to the boards ! Hope to see you around.
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Welcome Mark!

Up until November of last year, I lived in your neck of the woods in Cypress, TX.

I also remember your contributions on another Disney community that had a photography board. I think your contributions here will be well accepted.
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Hello and welcome to the boards. There is a ton of great info here, just ask. I know I am learning a little everyday I read.
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welcome, mark. glad to see you came over here.
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