

Hi everyone,

Name is Jeremy, I live in central PA, and I only took 3200 during my last trip to Disney World. I'm most definitely an amateur photographer and I get lucky by taking so many pics that some turn out great. I'm planning on honeymooning at Disneyland in less than four months, and will take even more photos in the two days I'm there.

All my Disney photos are on Flickr, so check them out, and let me know what eveyone thinks. I'm interested in taking better pictures.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/jeremyes/s ... 647118997/
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And here's a picture of me and Goofy in the World Showcase. (I had to run out of a store with no time to tell my fiance why to get the photo.) I really Mickey in the background for some reason.

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Welcome aboard Jeremy.

I love on page 3 of the flickr set where the three images of Carousel of Progress are next to each other to look like one whole panorama of the stage.

Two days at Disneyland? Enjoy! (although plan on losing 2-4 hours for the subs line, unless you can get in early and be there when they open the gates. And I mean at the front of the ticket lines. I think the lines start at dawn, and maybe even before dawn.
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I'm headed in November, so I have all my fingers crossed that the lines will be shorter. If not, I'll be up before the crack of dawn to snag a spot in line for the Subs.
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"JeremyES" said:
I'm headed in November,

[/quote]so I have all my fingers crossed that the lines will be shorter.

Don't bet on that. DL doesn't have anything else new, but if you are going during the day, you may have a shot. But what else do they do in the "offseason" - reduce ride capacity throughout the park.

As for November - why is it a good time to go?

Let's see...

Haunted Mansion Holiday
Small World Holiday
Perhaps a dusk cruise on the Mark Twain - with Fantasmic! running at night, the Twain's last ride is at 5:45, which is still daylight during the summer, and would be somewhat dark at 5:45 in Nov/Dec/Jan. Something you can't do that often.
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The Holiday Haunted Mansion is our main reason for going that time of year. We're both huge Nightmare fans. We were at WDW last year from Oct. 29 to Nov. 3 and it was a great time to be there. The only attractions I remember waiting for (more than ten minutes) were Soarin' and Expedition Everest. We're already looking at going back around the same time next year if a million things work out. The best part was getting to see Hallowishes, seeing the Halloween decorations, and then getting to see the Christmas trees put up the day before leaving. It was like the best of both worlds.
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Ah yes, but Disneyland has more locals than WDW. In fact, you will see the park get busier after 4 pm on weekdays, when kids can get there from school, and then after 6 pm when people get off work. But it still is a good time, better than September when the HM is down for makeover, along with IASW for the same thing.
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Thanks, that's good to know. We're going to pack in a lot during our two days, and any tips are great.
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