Crossing fingers, toes, legs, arms, feet, and anything else I can cross that the weather may FINALLY be cooler for a Disney trip! ; With the complete lack of winter in Florida for the past 2 years, it's been hard to find a nice cool day - having sweated my way through Pixelmania in December (that's just all kinds of wrong), I had fears that once again my January trip would also be warm (like last year). ; But we received our first cold front last night of any duration (we had another night a few weeks back that dipped to the 40s, and was literally back to the 80s the very next day!) stayed cool, and the forecast (though not reliable any farther out than a day or two) is optimistically showing a sustained cool through the next 10-12 days...nights generally in the low 50s and occasional 40s, days in the upper 60s to 70ish. ; That's for down here in Palm Beach County, so it's a little cooler for up north in Disney - shave about 5-8 degrees off those numbers.
Which means, if the forecast can just stay accurate and mother nature cooperates, I may get to enjoy walking around the Disney parks without sweating!
Arriving Thursday early afternoon, checking in at Saratoga Springs, probably hitting DHS that late afternoon just to wander around, head out and grab dinner at a resort, maybe walk Downtown Disney later (the walkway from Saratoga to Marketplace is likely still closed as it was in December, but it's still possible to walk out through the car gate). ; Staying Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and then heading out Monday morning back home.
Loose plans, no real schedule. ; This is the annual family trip with mom, where we usually meet up with some local relatives on a few of the nights, and sometimes wander off for our own things some days...if anyone else is up there, feels like picking a day to wander around and shoot, or just hang out, have a drink, and shoot the breeze, feel free to let me know and maybe we can bump into eachother up there.
Which means, if the forecast can just stay accurate and mother nature cooperates, I may get to enjoy walking around the Disney parks without sweating!
Arriving Thursday early afternoon, checking in at Saratoga Springs, probably hitting DHS that late afternoon just to wander around, head out and grab dinner at a resort, maybe walk Downtown Disney later (the walkway from Saratoga to Marketplace is likely still closed as it was in December, but it's still possible to walk out through the car gate). ; Staying Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and then heading out Monday morning back home.
Loose plans, no real schedule. ; This is the annual family trip with mom, where we usually meet up with some local relatives on a few of the nights, and sometimes wander off for our own things some days...if anyone else is up there, feels like picking a day to wander around and shoot, or just hang out, have a drink, and shoot the breeze, feel free to let me know and maybe we can bump into eachother up there.