Has anyone used a tilt/shift lens in Disney?


The title says it all. Has anyone tried using a tilt/shift lens in a Disney Park? The shift part doesn't really interest me so much since doing panoramas have become so easy with stitching programs and plugins. The perspective correcting tilt however interests me greatly, especially considering how close we get to our subjects at times in the parks. I have done some perspective corrections in post processing, but it's a pain and many times just doesn't turn out right.

12 years ago yes. I was shooting film and wanted to get the &$@" y2k wand out of my SE pics. Did it work? Kind of, but this was in the era of film.
I know it's not a tilt/shift lens, but I am planning on using the in-camera miniature effect for some shots next week! ; I've been trying to think of the best places to get a high point of view for the greatest effect. ; Postings to come!
Roger, I don't understand how the lens was going to help with that. I'm thinking of using the perspective control to keep the lines vertical, and not so much for using the depth of field shifting.

I was trying to shoot at the one angle where the ball would obscure the wand and then angle so it wouldn't be as distorted.

I need to find the negative. ; I lost so many of the negatives/slides from that trip.
I see what you mean on the wand - trying something like a low sideways angle from the opposite side, but then trying to correct for the distortion such an angle would cause.

I've not used a tilt-shift lens at Disney...not for its intended purpose OR for the 'miniature' effect - but I have done post-processing tilt-shift-style miniature effects. ; I'd probably consider a tilt shift lens almost as much for having fun with the tilt shift miniatures than for it's actual intended purpose!