Nice! We are lucky indeed living so close. I've always known you & Dina and I have alot in common in the way we approach Disney, and the local connection must be the reason! I've done plenty of days in the parks doing only one or two rides, just soaking up the ambiance, walking around, enjoying the food & drink, or relaxing and enjoying the view and satisville for a while.
You also enlightened me to something new I didn't know. I had no idea that the birthday deal was for a free ticket OR A SHOPPING CARD!! I blew off the whole birthday announcement figuring with the AP it was pointless. But now I'm thinking I might need to be heading up to Disney in late November, even if just for a day trip!
Nice to hear about BLT too...I'll eventually get the chance to stay there, but since I rarely book more than a few months in advance for trips up there, I have a feeling I'll need to wait a year or two for things to normalize.
Thanks for sharing Dina's special day...and belated Happy Birthday to Dina!