Ham Ham, Cyndi Lauper and a former PM

Ham Ham

Bumped into Cyndi Lauper this week at woork

When I'm not behind the camera the results are just not the same.

Earlier last month it was former PM Paul Martin
Picture snapped by a former cammo

The day before I met Cyndi one of the crews were heading out to do an interview with her at a hotel. I suggest a type of light that was very soft. Cyndi was pleased. The crew returned with pictures of them with Ms. Lauper. I was a little jealous but since I'm an inside guy it goes with the turf.

Cyndi and the cameraman

The next day in the lobby of the CBC I saw Cyndi exiting the building ran up and asked for a picture. She was very accommodating and nice.

A real thrill for sure.

Soon as I have one with Lady GaGa or Madonna I'll post it.