Halloween Costume Ideas


Hey everyone

Thought you might want to help in the fun!! ;D ; I am wanting to dress up for Halloween at work. ; Of course as some of you know, I am pregnant and will a nice big belly in another month. I would love to dress up my new bump, but just not sure what I want to do yet. ; Oh and I am looking for something easy to do. ;

Does anyone have any suggestions?
well... a pregnant nun would raise a chuckle and some eyebrows - you'd have to be careful of the work audience, though, cause some folks might find it offensive (I'm Catholic, and I wouldn't - but then again, I have a wonderful sense of humour and a thick skin :-)...).

In keeping with the Disney theme - maybe you could dress as a pregnant Minnie, and drag Mickey along (I don't think Minnie and Mickey, or Daisy and Donald, were ever married - so really play that for a twist...).

Have fun with it!

By the way, my 9-year-old has requested that I make the kitty litter cake for her class again this year. ; If you don't know about it, I'll post a picture from last year.

Take care,
Yes, please post your Kitty Litter Cake!

Sounds very interesting!

When DD was very young, I made her into a devil! ; I knew it would be fitting for her teen years!LOL ; And when she was a little older, she wanted to be a princess! ; Sewed a "Cinderalla" costume! ; Still have it! ; We get a chuckle out of it every year when we pull out the Halloween stuff!

One year, needed something to put over her snowsuit, so found a great costume in Parents Mag where by you take a headband, attach ears and a bow. ; Take Fake Fur, fold in half, cut out hole for head, and attach velcro on the side! ; Instant Dalmation!
I am pregnant and will a nice big belly in another month.

Go as Juno! ; ;D ; Angelina Jolie? Oh wait - I got it - Britney Spears!!

You just need to wear a kilt, white blouse, blonde wig with pigtails and a headset. ;D
