Greetings from a film shooting dinosaur!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Snowhunter, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Snowhunter

    Snowhunter Member

    Hi Everyone!

    I too am glad that I found this site. I've already had fun browsing the many photos and reading about peoples adventures. I have to admit that I'm still shooting only film (99% of the time). but I have at least started ordering CDs along with my prints. I've been a loyal Minolta user for about 13 yrs now and am still thrilled with their gear. I'm looking forward to the 2 new Sonys coming out soon and hope to take the digital plunge then but I'm sure that I'll still be shooting film also.

    I don't have any pics to post right now....shot 30 rolls my last time in Disney with my gear (1994....was there last year but chose to skip the gear on my 3 day visit). This time I've set up a lightweight walkaround set-up (Maxxum 70 & Tokina 24-200mm) as opposed to my typical Maxxum 800si w/grip and assortment of 4 favorite lenses (Tokina 80-200mm 2.8 being my overall favorite) and converters. My goal on this trip (8/5-8/7) is quality time with my teenage daughter but I would love to get some memorible shots while we assault as many thrill rides as possible in 18 hrs too!

    As I've explored this site I've realized that most users here are digital shooters and I understand that completely. I'm just wondering where I should post my technique questions as a film shooter?

    I hope to hear some guidance soon and look forward to more time on the site and sharing my own pics soon.

    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    Welcome aboard, john.
  3. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Hi John, welcome.

    You're welcome to post your questions in the same place as the digital stuff (i.e. SLR or just Photography 101, whatever you want). I can see what I can do to help. Until the last year or so the majority of my Disney pictures are on film, mostly slides except for 1000+ photos of Fantasmic! (the best one) on negative. Well okay I shot that show on RMS 100/1000 slide film. Once.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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