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Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by mainstreet1997, May 10, 2009.

  1. Wednesday morning on the safari, four trucks got backed up on the savanna due to the curious guy


    Took a while to get going again since ; the whole herd wanted to cross the road to find some shade

    Despite the heat, we did see quite a few animals

    And of course we saved Little Red!
  2. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Are they back to the Little Red storyline? ; The last time I was there it was not part of the attraction, and the narration part was lost in the ride.

    Great photo's, thanks for posting.
  3. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    As far as I know, the Little Red part never left, but it was toned down. ; They used to specifically have a story where the mother is shot, and you have to help find the poachers and baby. ; Now, they just hint that they're afraid she was shot, but then when you find Little Red, they say they'll return her to her mother. ; A little dose of reality with regards to poaching problems in Africa was apparently too much for some families and children to want to hear, so they reworked it to a more PC story with a happier ending.
  4. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Of course. ; I don't like the new story line, I think it is too bland, and not exciting enough to hold your interest. ; Oh well, I guess if that is what the people want. . .
  5. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    Nice pics, The Little Red storyline was toned down when I was there in January too.
  6. gary

    gary Member

    1. obviously jonathan dichter was nowhere to be found, i've never seen so many giraffe's out and about
    2. have i mentioned lately how much i dislike pc. all creatures including us have a date with death, some sooner, some later, get over it people, it's not all happy endings
    3. making it pc puts the very real african poaching problem out of sight, and out of sight doesn't solve it, or result in funding to stop it
    4. i've always been told that the best time of the day for the safari is early when it's cool, the animals are more active, well last wednesday's heat was not true to that at all, we rode in early afternoon, it was approaching 90, and i've never seen so many animals moving about, even the animatronic lion showed signs of life, of course not when i had camera to eye and focus lock on said noble beast, oh no, i look back out of the corner of my eye just in time to catch him roll over, and resume immobile status
  7. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Gary you couldn't be anymore right in your statements.
  8. Its not as prominent but they do talk about the poachers and you hear Wilson over the radio. And of course theres the elephant trunk sticking out of the back of the truck at the end but there is no longer a cast member standing there waving. Can you believe that was actually somebodys job?
  9. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Great pics on the ride!
  10. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    From the way-back machine...a 1MP Sony Mavica floppy disk photo of that lucky employee:

    [attachment deleted by admin]
  11. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    WOW, I can't remember there actually being someone there waving at us when I rode this, but obviously there was someone there. ; Thanks Justin!
  12. molander

    molander Member

    I had that camera! Actually... I STILL have that camera upstairs somewhere.
  13. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    I guess when cuts have to come, the waving CM would have to be one of the first places to cut. What else would this CM do in between trucks?, sit on the ground & twirl their thumbs?

    Gary - I agree with 100%. Everyone needs to learn to deal with reality. It is what it is & ignoring it won't make it go away, it will only excerbate the problem since the poachers will now have less people down their backs.
  14. zackiedawg

    zackiedawg Member Staff Member

    It's a tough call in today's more politically correct environment whether drawing more attention to the poaching issue would help or hurt. ; While on one hand getting more people to be aware of the problem and sympathetic to it might help increase funding of anti-poaching programs and create more safe zones for the animals, the other hand is that the current very 'final' method of dealing with poachers and guaranteeing that they won't be poaching again will likely be criticized and protested by various rights groups, making the penalty for poaching significantly less influential in discouraging future or recidivist poaching.

    I tend to be a bit more of the old-fashioned anachronistic type that subscribes to the more permanent method of dealing with bad guys, be they criminals, pirates, poachers, terrorists, or opposing armies.
  15. Coo1eo

    Coo1eo Member

    I'm with you Justin. Dealing with them is the only way to handle the problem in my opinion. I'm so sick & tired of all the rights groups out there. If something is wrong, then it is wrong & they is no sugar coating it.
  16. gary

    gary Member

    winning peoples hearts and minds, if we can't win their hearts, then let's change their minds from 600 yards away via hollow point persuasion

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