Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights? (SOLVED)


Staff member

Where are they? What do they do? What's going on here?
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Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

space mountain lift hill?
Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

Those look like the lights on the computer behind Uhura in SE Reloaded.

I'm going to have to quote Cmdr. Buck Murdock of Lunar Base Alpha to answer your other questions:

"These lights are blinking out of sequence"

"Get them to blink in sequence!"
Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

holy cow... an airplane 2 reference?
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Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

Tim, I've never gotten over Macho Grande.
Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

"roger, you're putting this entire forum in jeopardy!"
"stryker?stryker?stryker?stryker? TED stryker?"
"hello, we'd like you to have this flower"
"anyone know how to speak jive?"
Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

And that's exactly what I had in mind when I posted it..."All I've found is that these lights keep blinking back and forth. Aside from that, this thing seems to have no function whatsoever, sir." Captain Murdoch: "That's impossible; it must have some sort of function. Why would we pay all that money for a thing with lights that just go back and forth. Keep working on it."

And yes...the lights are indeed behind Uhuru in SE2. Nice catch Roger!
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Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

wow, I've never seen the Airplane movies!
Shame on me. We've watched Caddyshack three times though this month!?
Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

i still don't know if it's a good or bad thing about the famous jive interpreter scene in airplane, but i did not need any translation, i understood all that at the time, certain car assignments tended to make one multilingual
Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

and here I picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue... ::)
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Re: Got an easy one for you. Where are these lights?

"Mister, can I ask you a question?"

"A question? What is it?"

"It's an interrogative statement, used to test knowledge. But that's not important now."
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