Google Camera Car

Ham Ham

The Google camera car drove by our place in Mississauga on Monday. Youngest Hamette and I ran out to wave at it.
The vehicle is taking images to feed Google Street View

Ham Ham, if you were out waving at it ... once they load all the photos in street view, there you will be!

I think it is great.
You have to wonder about the people who complain about the photos infringing on their rights!!!! ; What could you be doing? ; Okay, other than those caught at porn shops or with hookers???? ; ;)
I passed a Google Camera Car (red) yesterday going the other way. ; I wonder how long before the photos are available?

When they are up I want to check to see if I am visible in the photo.
"Ham Ham" said:
I left the house so quickly I forgot to put my shoes on.

Its a good thing ya remembered your shorts ;D ; it is amazing technology. ; Maybe they could do that with all of WDW and you could check everything out online!
They came by Markham in late April -- the town is complaining because Main street looks so barren with no foliage or grass. My house still had a pile of snow on the front lawn ... ah the memories! ; :D