Good Luck with this one...

Very Nice Jeff. I have that exact scene I captured in January & I never caught that. Here is my shot of this scene. Looks like we're taking this game to a whole new level.

Have the attendants said anything of you taking photos inside this attraction? ; The first thing I always hear them say is no photos or video. ; Is there a trick to shooting this? ; (Same goes for CoP and HoP). ; I would love to get photos on my next trip.
I can't remember 100%, but I think the rules they state at the beginning include "no flash photography or video". ; Many or most of the Disney photo bans center around flashes. ; There's been some discussion as to whether Disney ever used to ban photography entirely at the Nemo show...but I've been to it twice in the past 6 months and both times they clearly said no 'flash' photography, and I sat with my 250mm lens right next to a CM with no issues. ; I would guess this show is the same.

I may see the show in a few weeks - I haven't been to it in the past few trips, so it might be fun again. ; Then I'll find out for sure!
I have found that the rules seem to change with the wind. ; Multiple rides and shows come to mind that seem the rule are different depending on which CM is reading them on any given day. ; AA is one- RnRC, CoP, Nemo, and some others I can't recall now seem like they randomly change from no pictures to no flash and back.

For the record I always follow the rules of the day. ; ; ;)
I hope to have my nifty fifty for this next trip, and I plan on shooting as much of the rides as I possibly can. ; We'll see what happens.
"zackiedawg" said:
There's been some discussion as to whether Disney ever used to ban photography entirely at the Nemo show...

They did for the original cast. ; Once they left they relaxed the rules. ; The surviving bit is the original prerecorded preshow which says no photography.

Anyway, I had one CM at AA say no photography, the one inside said "no flash photography or external video lights". ; I followed the latter rule.
I'll always follow the rules - though in those cases where you're given two rules to follow, I'll follow the one that the closest CM gave me - as long as I'm following THEIR rule while they are in my proximity, all should be OK!
So basically you have to listen to how they say the rules "exactly". ; No flash does not mean no photography, however no photography does. ; Next question (and I think I posed this at Mousefest to Tim), how do you get around the external viewscreen on a digital camera (my pocket camera does not have a viewfinder option, the new camera does). ; And do you use a monopod or anything to steady the shot?
american adventure, hall of prez, etc. are bright enough that with faster lenses and higher ISO you don't need anything to stabilize. ;

to get around the viewscreen, sit in the back row and zoom in (or point & pray).
Also, most LCDs have an 'off' option, in case you are worried about bothering others around you - if you trust the camera's autofocus to do the same basic job whether you can see it or not, you can just turn the LCD off and point the camera in the general direction (or use it briefly to find the correct zoom amount, then turn it off) away. ; I've done that before when I've had my T100 ultra-compact, which also doesn't have any viewfinder option.