Good Disney iPod/iPhone apps?

I have the WDW Wait Times app on my iPhone and was not that happy with it when I was there in January. ; The wait times it reported were incorrect most of the time. ; For my next trip, I'm going to try Lines unless Disney releases an official wait time app by then.
i have the dvc member app... ; nice for a quick check of the point charts and it allows you to save prospective itineraries.
I like the DVC app too. ; I would not trust any WDW wait time apps considering you can add wait times from your house ; and it will alter the accuracy without even being there.
"PolynesianMedic" said:
Actually I think that Lines, or one of the others won't let you add times, if your GPS doesn't put you in the park.

I think several of them are that way. ; I know on WDW Wait Times they warned that if you weren't in the park it wouldn't accept any times you input. ; I think it also said something about blocking all future submissions if you tried to input numbers from outside the park too many times.
"Stryker412" said:
Thanks all, I'll check them out. Do you use any good park map apps?

I downloaded AK, MK, EPCOT and DHS app maps and the dining one. All are very cool, they have height req, bathroom locations and the dining shows you menus via and they tell you which ones are DDP eligible.
"Stryker412" said:
Thanks all, I'll check them out. Do you use any good park map apps?

My favorite app to use for park maps is E-Ticket. It's put out by the people over at The Dis. It is a fantastic app and one of the ones I use the most. I actually uses google earth for the maps. It's really nice. I think the only app I use more than this one is Lines.
Would love Disney to put an app out, can't believe they haven't yet. ; Maybe Steve Jobs needs to make a call!
I think there should be a Magic in Pixels app. Giving good photo tips and shooting suggestions. It would a nice companion in the parks I think. ; :)
Ohh I love a magic in pixels app. ; :-* ;

I too, have downloaded Etickets because it gets good reviews on Disboards. ; I haven't use it in the parks yet(we go in Aug). ; But so far in the planning stages I like it. ; I think the one thing I wish it had was in addition to making your tour plan by date it would be nice to be able to have touring plans(that you make up) that you can label, starting late at .... park. ; Or at rope drop for .... ; If it rains and your at .... do this.

Why i would like that is I love the planning accept of a Disney trip and once Im there, I don't want to think of what to do. ; I just want to go(theres a lot of photos to be shot lol) ; So if I had a game plan set up a head of time for a lot of situations, then all is good.
"dishippy" said:
My favorite app to use for park maps is E-Ticket. It's put out by the people over at The Dis. It is a fantastic app and one of the ones I use the most. I actually uses google earth for the maps. It's really nice. I think the only app I use more than this one is Lines.

Is it really worth the $5.99?
I would have to say yes. It's a very large app with a lot of great information from resorts, to restaurants, and of course the parks. There are reviews and videos on individual icons on the maps. It's very nice. Seems like it would make a great addition while at the parks.