Gonna be wet and windy down here Friday


Staff member
Our lovely bouncing baby girl, Bonnie, is on her way to South Florida tomorrow. ; Forecast is for winds in the 40's, 7-9 inches of rain, and yet still a heat index of 100 (you'd think a 40MPH breeze would cool things down a bit!).

With Florida, it's always the women names lately! ; 1998 - Irene, 2004 - Frances, Jeanne, 2005 - Katrina, Rita, Wilma. ; Fortunately Bonnie hasn't worked up too much of a lather yet...just a tropical storm. ; Let's hope she stays that way.

Can't say I'd mind the 7-9 inches of rain though - we don't flood here, and it's been a bit dry the past week or so. ; And ridiculously hot and humid...though that doesn't appear to be abating even with the storm tomorrow.
I was at WDW for Frances. ; A very stubborn one she was too. ; Took forever to show up and leave. ; But it did clear out the parks for walk on fun the day before and the day after.

Bonnie is not a big one but could cause havoc with oil in the Gulf. ; >:(
Yeah, so far Bonnie has been consistent 20MPH winds, with gusts maybe to 30. ; Though since early this AM we've probably had 3-4 inches of rain already. ; Outside right now looks like 8:15pm...DARK! ; Rain band should be through in the next 20-30 minutes, then a little more clear until the next bands head through. ; Rain's nice!
And Frances sucked. ; Despite not causing as much damage as Wilma did, it was a far worse storm to live through. ; Wilma came and smacked us for 4 hours at solid Cat 3, and really ripped us up - damage cleanup and repair for many months all over town, no power for 8 days, etc. ; But the temperatures after Wilma were low 70s daytime, and 50s at night. ; Not bad when you have no power.

Frances took 3 days to pass through, S-L-O-W-L-Y...but she knocked out power on the very first day...stayed at low Cat 1 through the whole 3 days, and left us powerless for 7 days. ; The difference was the weather - mid 90s, 90% humidity, and not even a fly-fart of a breeze for a week. ; Really really bad when you have no power!
This is my kind of storm! Don't even need an umbrella: )

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No rain on your side?

We had a bunch come for about two hours today, from 10-12. ; Since then, mostly clear, with very small intense little pockets of rain moving quickly through - 3-5 minutes then stopping as fast as they started. ; Wind's not bad at all - don't think we ever topped 15mph sustained, with gusts MAYBE to 25. ; If it had been a real hurricane and came ashore the exact same way, we would have been in BIG trouble! ; We were on the NW quadrant, in the eye wall...known to have the highest storm surge & highest winds in a westbound storm. ; She jogged north a bit and came in over Miami rather than the keys - but turned out to have even less juice than they thought she would. ; Not that I'm complaining!
send that rain up here Justin. It is so dry here and HOT !!!!! heat index 105 today and 110 tomorrow
Over in Naples, Bonnie didn't even deserve a name. Less rain and wind than a good summer rainy thunderstorm day.

Now for us, Wilma sucked. Lots of roof tile damage, trees down, and 10 days without city power. Thankfully I have a portable generator. I just plug it in, throw a breaker, and have some lights, electrical outlets, my well pump, and a few ceiling fans. Made it livable. No a/c, phone, or cable, but I could watch a DVD in the evening. :)
