Go with the flow! (Nemo the Musical)

Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by Roger, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/022708/226e4602_53.jpg" />

    When the Edsel hits, it makes gorgeous photographs. When it doesn't, well, a P&S can do better. Hopefully the rumor that Canon will allow the early adopters a trade-in option when the MkIV is released. Then again, the Edsel may be the end of an era for APS-H.

    <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/022708/226e4606_52.jpg" />

    <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/022708/226e4607_51.jpg" />

    <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/022708/226e4612_46.jpg" />
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. prettypixie

    prettypixie Member

  3. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    You so totally rock Squirt!

    Can't forget about offspring.

    <img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/022708/226e4609_49.jpg" />
  4. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    dude i totally need to see this gnarly show.
  5. Grumpwurst

    Grumpwurst Member Staff Member


    You'll have plenty of opportunities to do that this summer and I'm sure a certain 2-year-old will not need his arm twisted to go either
  6. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    I can't wait to go back so I can see this show.

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