Ghosts in the hallway


Staff member
14-24/2.8 at 24mm, 1/15 sec, f/2.8, ISO 25600

Tim I know got a better shot during his second ride; this was taken with Tim riding it for the first time. I didn't want to change lenses.

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That is really cool Roger. I never thought an iso that high could exist so cleanly in something that an average consumer could buy. amazing!
Wow! ISO 25600! Did you do any noise removal or is that straight out of the camera?
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Wow, I'd never ride Tower with my camera not safely stowed in my camera bag. It would take away from the enjoyment of my ride to be holding it...LOL
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Hey Tim went back and did it again!

I used Bibble and so it used the registered Noise Ninja. That ISO is very noisy out of the camera; but I've also turned in-camera NR off.
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