Getting a flash but which one?


I am looking into getting a flash, wanting a little more power than the on camera one but need some advice. I was looking at the sb-400 and sb-600 but was wondering if I could get one that wasnt Nikon and get a flash that had more power and more features for cheaper. I want something that will be fully compatible with my d3000 and also something that would be compatible if I upgrade.

Any suggestions on brands/models to look at?
Well, for future upgrades I would actually look at a Nikon brand flash. ; Perhaps used?

My main concern is that an off-brand flash would work with wireless off-camera triggered by the camera itself....
Flashes are like tripods, you really do not want to skimp. ; I suggest staying with Nikon here as the built-in Creative Lighting System (CLS) is a great advantage over off-brand flashes. ; My recommendation would be to get the SB-700 as it can be used with your current camera now and for upgrades into the future.

If that is out of your price range, I would get the SB-600 (new if you can find one or used). ; Don't worry about the power. ; Most, if not all of the time, you dial the power back. ; The SB-400 will work but will not have the advantage of a full moveable flash head and accessories which can be added to the other two flashes.