free pdf

thanks for the heads-up, howie. ; that guide book is chock full of useful information for anyone, not just nikon wildlifers. ;
Tried multiple times to download it, but the server kept resetting. Guess they had a lot of traffic.

i got it from a secondary link... not sure if it was supposed to be posted there but it was there when i looked.
if you click howie's link and look at page 2 of the comments, you will see the secondary links.
Gotta love those pictures of the great circle of life. Once you see the e-book you will know what I mean.

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They're going to have it available again on Sunday for those that couldn't get it the first time round. Watch for the links.

thanks for the divshare howie, downloaded to the mac air so if i can't finish it soon it can be airport time material