Found my keys! (SOLVED)


Staff member
Well everyone seems to lose their keys. I'm different...I found my keys, but I need to know where I am! Here are my keys, which I'm standing in front of. Where am I?

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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

No...very nice guess though. You're cold so far.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

I'm thinking that its somewhere in the Africa section of AK, but it could also be Jungle Cruise
Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

No to Safari, Katie. And not Jungle cruise, Michael. Your AK guess is warm, but not quite.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

Would they need keys for the Time Machine Trucks in Dinosaur? The look of it looks too old, but it might fit.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

No to Dinosaur, and no to Everest line. Right park, but not quite in the right spot yet. Katie's the warmest of all the guesses so far.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

No...not Kali. A little cooler than before.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

if not safari, then what about pangani forest?
Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

Not Pangani forest, but you've warmed up a little more. Warmest so far.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

Mombasa Marketplace. Maybe a piece of the Wall Art in the gift shop?
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

had one more quick thought... is the building next to Tusker House (the weird brown rock building) a Boarding house? The keys look more like room keys than truck keys and there is a barred window in which the keybox might hang.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

Not's not near Mombasa or Tusker. In fact, you're a wee bit cooler than Tim's Pangani guess.

So we know we're talking AK, and we know we're talking safari warm, pangani warmer, mombasa and tusker back to warm.
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Re: Found my keys! But now I'm lost...

By process of elimination...The Train Station to the Wildlife Conservatory?
Ding! The train has pulled into the station! Sorry for the delay...Deniz got it. This is indeed at the train station to Rafiki's, at the Africa side. When you enter the train station heading towards the rail, you can sit off to the left or the right. To the right is a bit of the building, with luggage stacked next to the rail down near the end, across from the office door. This key rack sits right next to the office door.

Nice work, Deniz!

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