Found a few places that are selling Disney tickets at a good price for canadians

Hi I have found a few places that have Disney tickets at a good price in canadian $ and with taxes included.
all prices are for a 4 day pass with hopper ( 5 day in only about 10.00 more a person) And the prices are for 2 adults and 2 children ( cause thats the quote I asked for) ; total=1254.00 = 1236.00 plus 40.00 service charge total
not sure if this helps any one
No I have not. ; I found them through my phone book so most are local. ; I am waiting till the begining of next week to purchase because there are a few places I e-mailed and am waiting for a response. ;
hello leishamarie,

i'm not sure these prices are a bargain at all... try the disney store in canada, we are saving about 200$ on base tickets for 3 adults and 2 children
I would have to agree! ; You are paying in Canadian $$, even the FL tax.

You can upgrade the tix at WDW to whatever you need, albeight in US but the bulk of the tix would be paid in Cdn $$.
I don't have a Disney store around me. ; So I could buy a 4 day ticket here and then upgrade it to a hopper when I get there?