flights of wonder

Discussion in 'Disney's Animal Kingdom Photos' started by Dan, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. Dan

    Dan Member

    This is always a good show for photography if you've got a good long lens, even if it is a little corny in places. Besides which, I'm really impressed with some of the ways they have their birds trained.
    Noteworthy pictures in what I'm posting include the one of the owl flying off the perch. They always get a few people with cameras to stand in the location of the two in the picture. I always hope that they pick me, but I never have a wide lens on my camera, and I'm guessing that I'd be too close to be able to focus on the owl with my 70-200 if they DID pick me. I wonder if they're aware of the distinction.. they always seem to pick people carrying P&S cameras. I wonder if they're at least avoiding people with long SLR lenses because they know they'd tend to have too long a minimum focus distance.
    My mission for this show in December is to use a high enough shutter speed to get sharp pictures of the birds in flight. The parts of the routine where the birds fly over the audience seem to be good opportunities, but judging by the pictures that I got, the shade over the audience must darken the scene considerably, I was trying to track a flying bird with my lens zoomed out to 70mm with a 1/60thsec exposure. The resulting picture was interesting.. but closer to modern art than photography.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  2. joedisney

    joedisney Member

    Cool, thanks for the heads up. Ive always wanted to see this show but have never been able to. We will be there in January and i will check it out. I'll make sure i carry in my wide and long lens too.
  3. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    great eagle shot!
  4. ilene

    ilene Member

    Nice pix!
    We love this show. I've never been able to get a decent shot of the owl flying over the audience, but they usually bring out an owl prior to the show and you can get some close-up shots then.
  5. Tim

    Tim Administrator Staff Member

    #1 is awesome. nice shot, ilene.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  6. Dan

    Dan Member

    Well Ilene, you've got me totally outgunned. I took a bunch of shots of the owl during the preshow, and I just can't touch that first shot of yours. Here's the best I managed of the same species, perhaps the same bird.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  7. joedisney

    joedisney Member

    hehe! We all have pics of the same owl...
  8. ilene

    ilene Member

    Those are great shots, Dan and Joe!
    I love that you can see the crowd of people in the owl's eyes in all of these shots. I was amazed when I looked closely at the full-size image of my 2nd photo.
  9. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    I'm going to resurrect this thread, because based on Dan's original thread, I finally went to this show! And I enjoyed it!

    Now they didn't have an owl fly during the show, and they didn't ask anyone to come up and take pictures. They did have a few audience interactions but not like that.

    The great horned owl at the "pre-show" is on another memory card so I haven't gotten to processing it yet, so I'll post my "slightly acceptable or better" ones (Edsel, again) here.

    <img src="" />
    This hawk actually hit me on the way back to the stage. They weren't kidding. Ducking meant the hawk went lower.

    My Toco Toucan sequence in flight:

    <img src="" />

    <img src="" />

    <img src="" />
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  10. prettypixie

    prettypixie Member

    Great shots guys. I love the owl pics and the eagle. Thanks for sharing!
  11. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Here is my owl shot from the post-show meet and...uh 'greet':

    <img src="" />
  12. Dan

    Dan Member

    Heh, with the full head of hair behind it it kind of looks like that owl is sporting a pompadour.

    I find that owl interesting. There's something about it that seems unusual, it's not what I typically think of when I think of an owl. I can't fully explain this, but it always looks sort of unreal to me. Even without a lush, full head of hair.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  13. Craig

    Craig Member Staff Member

    Roger, I hope you dont mind.
    Your Toucan sequence inspired me to try out a feature on the acdsee beta.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  14. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    No Craig, I didn't mind.

    And now, the money trick!

    <img src="" />
  15. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Hawk Landing

    <img src="" />
  16. PolynesianMedic

    PolynesianMedic Global Moderator Staff Member

    Nice shots guys!
  17. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Well the lighting wasn't the best for my preshow owl; and I had the camera on ISO Adjust (Canon's 1st gen Auto ISO)

    <img src="" />
    ISO 2500

    <img src="" />
    ISO 2500

    I probably should run these through Bibble and see what it can do with them.

    <img src="" />
    ISO 2000
  18. goofy101

    goofy101 Member

    These are lovley shots Roger
  19. Roger

    Roger Member Staff Member

    Thanks Goofy!
  20. Jeff Fillmore

    Jeff Fillmore Member

    Fun show- I got whacked in the head the one time I saw it. She said the bird flew with its 'landing gear down.'

    Here are a few of mine (not as good as the others but I will share anyway. ;))




    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014

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