Flash Diffuser


Need a diffuser, you say? You only have a pop-up flash on the camera, you say?

Not a problem!!!

While I'm sure that picture was meant to illicit laughter at the unpolished nature of the milk carton taped to the barrel of the camera, I must admit that it has a McGyver type of creative ingenuity that impresses me and I'm sure it's a lot cheaper than the professional diffusers.


I bet that "creation" also solves the nasty problem of the shadow cast by the barrel when using the onboard flash
Upon closer examination, they seem to be using a reversed-lens setup for macro photography. ; A very ingenious lighting solution indeed!
"ddindy" said:
Upon closer examination, they seem to be using a reversed-lens setup for macro photography. ; A very ingenious lighting solution indeed!
Good eyes! And I agree - and I'll also bet that light is warmed up a bit in a good way.