Flame Tree Everest.

I am a fan of it. ; Although I agree that the shrine takes a little away from it, its not super distracting. ; As for the composition, it is fine. ; That is a great location to get shots of Everest from, not to mention one of (if not the best) counter service in WDW!
Classic vantage point. ; Well executed.
Composition is fine in my opinion.
The composition is fine, it's the light on the shrine that pulls attention to it over Everest.

Can someone turn that light off please?
i too think the composition is just fine, i just wish the lighting were less on either everest, to create the shrine as the focus with mountains in the background, or half the lighting on the shrine so it just becomes a foreground object
I really like the composition and agree with the other comments that the light on the shrine is somewhat distracting. ; Next time try taking an additional darker exposure to knock the temple lighting down and mask it into the other shot.