Feelin' blue tonight...

Expand for HOPE

Luminary ceremony at last year's Relay for Life fundraiser the the American Cancer Society. ; Let's hope it will someday lead to...

when I feel blue...I look at this and things get a lot better

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I love it here. ; I really do. ; There are times in life, where you can't go to the people you love for strength, because the people you love need yours.

You've all done something for me tonight and it is appreciated beyond words.

Jeff..thank you. ; I spent a half hour in your rain and let it just wash over me. ; This is such a great place to laugh, and have a good time. ; But it's nice to know I can come here when it's raining, too. ; I listened to your song first. ; Then mine.

Lifehouse - Storm (Live)

Night all. Thanks for the sunshine.