Fantasmic!'s return looks to be delayed....


Staff member
Tomorrow night is the big media event for their Summer Nightastic! which is highlighted on the media art by Bucky, the new dragon for Fantasmic!. ; Not the life size Dumbo that is part of the new Magic fireworks. ; Did we mention that he flies? ; Along with Tinkerbell? ; In the same show. ; And that we have refreshed Sylvania's Electrical Parade? ; Which will run nightly at DCA? ; It's all part of Summer Nightastic!

[sub]Unfortunately Bucky[nb]Bucky was designed by the same college educated people who designed the new monorails, and forgot to double check clearances.[/nb] sustained a broken neck during testing and is currently inoperational, with repair times estimated in the weeks.....[/sub]
dude... you are killing me with all this DL stuff. ; i NEED to get back there soon![nb]See "2010, summer of"[/nb]
Well the new fireworks show is only supposed to run for the summer; I'm glad since I don't think they can top Remember.

But Spring 2010 is calling.....then again I should wait until they refill the River.
I'm upset about Bucky. ; I'm going to be at Disneyland between June 19-24. ; We are catching the upgraded Electric Parade on the evening of the 19th
Yeah that sucks! ; It's like going to DL to catch a last viewing of something (or so I thought), only to have it cancelled while you're there.....

Esp since I don't think they have a workaround to continue the show. ; BTW, I saw the mockups for the Flotsam and Jetsam characters....looks awesome. ; (Imagine a Chinese New Year Dragon style costume over a jetski)
"Roger" said:
Esp since I don't think they have a workaround to continue the show. ; BTW, I saw the mockups for the Flotsam and Jetsam characters....looks awesome. ; (Imagine a Chinese New Year Dragon style costume over a jetski)

According to an article in the LA Times linked on another forum, Fanstasmic will not be cancelled, just the debut of the new Dragon. ; The rest of the show with it's other improvements and additions will go on as normal
My mind is trying to grasp the concept of not having a dragon for Fantasmic! ; It's not like the Pinnochio sequence, or the missing Ursula float, or the modified ending if the Mark Twain is's Fantasmic! ; The whole thing leads up to that scene!
I'm sorry to hear that this happened. ; I am thinking that the summer of 2012 when Cars land is open, is when I will make my first trip out there.
Re: Could Remember not be coming back???

I know Ray and I discussed this a while back, mainly because D23 claimed that Remember would return to DL.

Well, now it can't until 2010. ; Bucky is still having major problems (I hope Universal is watching it, since it's the same contractor that's building their replacement King Kong for USH), and now that Disneyland has approved a formal Halloween overlay for the parks, with Ghost Galaxy and now a Halloween Fireworks show, Magical will be covering the show until the Halloween one is ready, and then Halloween will be followed by the Christmas fireworks show.
It was suggested that the new Dragon would be ready for July 17th but I did not go so I am not sure if it made it or not. My sources said they would be lucky to have the repairs done by the end of July. From what I understand the dragon broke its neck while in rehearsals and testing.

I have seen Fantasmic without the Dragon and if you did not know it was supposed to be there you might not know anything was wrong. Its not great but not to bad either.
The Rivers of America are scheduled for it's tri/quad? annual draining and cleaning next spring, right after Christmas I believe. ; It should be done by the summer season, and World of Color should be able to draw off the Spring Break crowds.