Family Portrait tips

I guess this is the right place to post this. Im sure all of you have read about my family's debate about whether or not to do the Disney Resort Photo Session since the price went up to $75 just for the sitting. Im considering taking my own camera and my tripod and doing it myself (unless Tim decides to take me up on my offer to bunk down in the bathtub and take pictures for us ;D). Does anyone have any tips for taking portraits (hoepfully in the sun), aperature, shutter speed?

Have a Magical Day!
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"mainstreet1997" said:
(unless Tim decides to take me up on my offer to bunk down in the bathtub and take pictures for us  ;D). 

Starter settings that we use on wedding shoots are ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/125 sec., direct flash outdoors. The flash unit will determine how much OOMPH to put into the flash so you don't have to worry about that. You want to take the shots around dusk, but NOT too late. You have about a 30-45 minute window when the light is super nice.
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"Tim" said:
Starter settings that we use on wedding shoots are ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/125 sec., direct flash outdoors.  The flash unit will determine how much OOMPH to put into the flash so you don't have to worry about that.  You want to take the shots around dusk, but NOT too late.  You have about a 30-45 minute window when the light is super nice.

Thanks Tim! I shall print this off and put it in the "bible" (a binder labeled Disney Trip with all my notes for February)
"Tim" said:
Starter settings that we use on wedding shoots are ISO 400, f/5.6, 1/125 sec., direct flash outdoors. The flash unit will determine how much OOMPH to put into the flash so you don't have to worry about that. You want to take the shots around dusk, but NOT too late. You have about a 30-45 minute window when the light is super nice.

Hmmm will have to look up sunset times for Feburary. Still want that beautiful Florida blue sky (we hope) since we dont get much of it here in Chicago, especially in February. Here is the color scheme we are going with - minus the baby

*picture borrowed from a thread on disboards

Thanks again Tim!
Katie (who has this silly fear of while setting up these pics someone will steal her camera!)
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Ha! I just remembered Tim's favorite resort is Boardwalk -- guess where we're staying? (If tehse people ever call us back so we can book our trip!) Okay off to practice takign pictures of trees and myself LOL

Have a magical day everybody!