Just wanted to pop in for a quick word on my conspicuous absence from the forums, other than the small comment here or there the past week - I'm spending this whole week (and this past weekend) getting errands run, cleaners, pet food, laundry, etc and working a bit OT to clear some space for my upcoming vacation...so I just haven't had too much time on the internet as of late. ; The rest of this week will probably be thin, and Friday AM, I'm off to the port to jump aboard the vessel (Emerald Princess) for a 10-day cruise of the Southern Caribbean. ; Likely as not I won't be spending much internet time aboard, so I may be a bit absentee for the next few weeks!
Just wanted to pass word, so noone thinks I dropped off the planet, or was offended by Tim's new site redesign, or went in hiding with Randy Quaid and his wife from the Hollywood Hitmen, or joined Scientology...that is, if anyone even noticed I'm not here. ;
So I'll probably be back in once or twice this week, but it'll be thin, and definitely not likely to log in until Nov 9 when I get back in country.
Just wanted to pass word, so noone thinks I dropped off the planet, or was offended by Tim's new site redesign, or went in hiding with Randy Quaid and his wife from the Hollywood Hitmen, or joined Scientology...that is, if anyone even noticed I'm not here. ;

So I'll probably be back in once or twice this week, but it'll be thin, and definitely not likely to log in until Nov 9 when I get back in country.