Expedtion Everest from a distance

Very cool, love the bokeh in this! ; Where is this taken from, I have never seen the "scope." ; Is it in Flame Tree seating?
John, I have never noticed it before either. It's on the right after passing Flights of Wonder. There's usually a PP photographer around it.
Great find, and great shot! ; I must admit, I've never seen this before either, but I'm definitely going to hunt it down next month.
Very imaginative shot!! ; Don't think I have seen that before either. ; Will have to look the next time I'm there. ; Very nice.
Thanks Doc. I stumbled upon this by accident. I was stuck in a crowd and when they cleared out I saw this lookout spot.
Very nice. ; I've seen that scope many times (just out of frame left in the shot below), but never came up with an imaginative way to include it in a shot.

Everest shrine
I have walked by this a thousand times and never once thought to make this the shot instead of the mountain. ; Great work, now I really need to pay attention and think a little more about my compositions.
I always take photos of the mountain and just thought I'd try something different for a change. Sometimes it works out and sometimes not. I'm glad this one did.