Expedition Everest Sign


Staff member
Stood there forever at 11mm waiting for a second with no one in front!

actually 1/250th of a second ; ;)

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
"Craig" said:
Stood there forever at 11mm waiting for a second with no one in front!

Thinking about that one....hmmm. ; Like goofy said, good job! ;

[me=Roger]is still thinking about how close you were to the rocks and why someone would be between you and the rocks...[/me]
that seemed to be THE place to get your family picture! and I was standing right in the center in front, while families were getting there picture taken, and while other guests would walk through. It was pretty busy there too.

Plus, this is cropped a little to 8x10, so I cropped off some of the space at the bottom of the picture