Expedition Everest..... 1st time riding


Staff member
i believe that is the "i need new undies" look on my face. next to me in bill from mickeynews.com and behind me is epcotmickey from this forum. awesome ride, i love it! rode it 2 more times before leaving mousefest. count me in again and again. more pics coming soon.

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but this is a little less than full disclosure, unfortunately no photo available, but this reporter remembers a certain forum administrator stating, and i quote "it probably wasn't a good idea to ride expedition everest 2 times in a row on an empty stomach", as said forum admin was gobbling popcorn and soda in mgm to "settle my stomach"
uh.................i dont remember that incident sir. you must have me confused with other forum admins or something.

BTW, that was some GOOD popcorn LOL
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I just so love this ride!!!

This is from the first time we rode it - and were seated right at the front!!!

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I recall some WDW photo admin saying the same thing. Or maybe I was blinded by the Osbourne Lights at the time. I got to ride Everest for the first time this trip as well. Awesome ride not to be missed!
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