Everest and the Shrine

Neat idea for sure. ; I like it - maybe if you still have the original, a little judicious erasing of the light sky areas around the trees at the left to clean it up, but still very cool.
Thanks guys!

Justin, I tried that, but it didn't turn out very good. ; I'll fiddle with it some more when I have some time.
I know what you mean...I've tried those types of blends, and it's not fun trying to work with trees and sky!
Wow, that's a beautiful shot.

Three separate shots combined? Wow, that's a great photoshop job there! :)

I'd be interested to see the three uncombined pics to compare.
Thanks Arny!

Here are the three shots. ; This was the base image, which includes the overexposed shrine:


Next is the image used for the base of the shrine:


Since the top of the shrine was a little dark in the last one, I took another shot to get the top of the shrine a little brighter:
