Entrance to Ft Harambe


Staff member
<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/062207/B/IMG_5840.jpg" />
Thanks Howie. I think my favorite light has to be dusk, which is when I took this.
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Now that I have my Nikon I look at things more closely now. I don't even recall seeing this when I went last year.

It makes me exited to see how many pictures I can take this next go around that don't contain either myself or my wife....haha
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here is my take on that scene... very scenic part of animal kingdom, by the way...

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&quot;Tim&quot; said:
here is my take on that scene... very scene part of animal kingdom, by the way...

???? I think you meant serene?
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Don't try this at home...the backside of Ft Harambe!

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/cpg140/albums/uploads/062207/B/IMG_5846.jpg" />
&quot;rlongenbach&quot; said:
&quot;Tim&quot; said:
here is my take on that scene... very scene part of animal kingdom, by the way...

???? I think you meant serene?

I'd assume "scenic" was the intent.. I'm fluent in typo.

Looking at the first picture all I can think is "DANG they put a lot of work into the scenery". I mean.. that's probably not the strongest example, it's just the usual fake aging techniques, but.. there's so much detail, so many complex textures with so little repetition. Even the bricks, which do repeat, show variations in texture and shape from brick to brick. It's like the healing brush tool's worst nightmare..
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I like the colors in Roger's picture and the cropping on Tim's photo (or do I need to use a different term?).

Roger's second shot is great. I just wish that Disney would have chosen a more appropriate chair design for that area.