Emerald City at 12,800 feet...

Nice! ; Yep...ISO3200 was close, but not quite there...at least with an F3.5 lens. ; The fastest shutter I could manage and still meter the scene was 1/25, which is just a hair too slow:


A faster lens would help...but ISO12800 would help even more!!
Got this with the D70 and 50mm f/1.8 last time. ; Oh, for a couple of ISO f/stops more, eh?


1/40s, f/3.2, ISO 1600, EV -0.3, Spot metering
Thanks, Ray. ; I didn't have the best seat as I was on the far side from this scene but the crop factor helped. ; :)
Tim, that is a fine shot of the Emerald City. Justin & Scott - yours are not so bad either. I haven't goteen anything close to these.