ef-s lens mount opinions


i thought i'd start this thread, there have been a few members asking about these as choices lately, scattered over several threads, i figured if we started a dedicated thread it would be easier for those wanting the opinions to locate them, since we have several good arguments both for and against, personaly because of the extra crop factor for birding i'll probably always have a crop body around, and since i had 2 very good ef-s mount lenses why not keep them, they are already paid for, so they are mine until my will is probated

1. 10-22 efs f/3.5-4.5, very good image quality, allows my xti to get really wide

2. 17-55 f/2.8 IS, great lens imho, L quality in all except build

so i think pretty highly of these 2, and since my mom always gets my cast off bodies, maybe someday she'll get these also

this public service thread brought to you by g-money, where chimping happens before breakfast
I agree about the 17-55. Except I don't own it anymore because I can't use it on my main body.
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