East Broad Top Fall Spectacular


I wasn't able to attend the photographer's events on Friday this year, but I did make it up for the events on Saturday. ; This year, they added a couple of extra trains to the schedule including a freight train that ran early Saturday morning. ; Unlike last year, the weather was perfect! ; And now for the photos:

#17 waits silently as #15 & M-7 prepare for the day's events:

#15 passes under the telltales at McMullins Summit:

Runk Road Bridge:

#15 backs the freight train through the 2nd leg of the wye:

Later in the day, #15 pulls 14 car freight and passenger train. ; The crossing sign is unique to the railroad. ; Amazingly, there are still several left along the active portion of the line:

Blacklog Creek Bridge:

Later in the afternoon at the bridge:

The M-1 Motorcar on its last run of the day:

The M-1 is a rare piece of equipment and for the past several years, it has only been operated during the Fall Spectacular weekend. ; It is a 3ft gauge gas-electric motorcar built by the EBT shop employees from kit supplied by J. G. Brill and Westinghouse in 1926. ; While others do exist, the EBT is the only place where you can ride an original 3ft gauge gas-electric motorcar on its original railroad with all of its original components. ; The M-1 has never been restored so what you see is completely original which is a testament to the great care it has received over the years. ; A couple of specs for the gearheads in the group: ; Brill 6 cylinder, 1980 cubic inch displacement, aluminum block. ; 400-1100 rpm.
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Thanks guys! ; I should have some more for you in a week or so. ; I'm going to a photo charter on the Strasburg Railroad tomorrow night and Sunday morning followed by a night shoot at the EBT Sunday night. ; Then I have a 2 day photo charter on the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad on Monday and Tuesday. ; It's going to be a fun weekend!