Early Morning Moon over Yacht Club


Getting up early at a Disney resort can have it's rewards like when the moon hasn't set yet.


Expando version
Very nice...I love those moon shots in failing light! ; I don't think I've ever caught it over Yacht, despite staying at Boardwalk often...I'll have to look for that.
Justin, the light was getting brighter as this was morning. ; Within a half hour of this shot, the moon was almost washed out from the sun. ; I got a closer view of it from the same morning...let me go find it. ; Ah..here it is.

Ah...same light, just trending in the other direction! ; I'm more used to failing light myself, as I'm rarely up for the growing light!

This was a dusk one I snapped in Ft. Lauderdale of a cruise ship leaving under the rising moon:


It's a great time for those ambiance moon shot landscapes.
"Craig" said:
nice shots Scott!

looks like Mcnally's blog today:

I'm flattered but he used some electronic trickery to get his photo made. ; Wish I had Joe's stuff. ; My 18-200VR doesn't stack up to his 200-400VR.

Justin, that is a beautiful shot. ; My shots were from an early morning Photo Walk for the Picture This! blog during Mousefest 2008. ; It was very cold but the light was awesome.
"Scottwdw" said:
My shots were from an early morning Photo Walk for the Picture This! blog during Mousefest 2008. ; It was very cold but the light was awesome.

I remember it well. ; I was happy that I drove down on that trip, since I had my warm coat and gloves to keep me warm. ; Here's one of mine from the same morning:

Great shots, both of you.

Now that it's spring, here's a great tip for you to try to remember in the fall: ; A pair of bad-weather golf gloves is a great photographer's tool. ; They are lightweight and flexible so you can work the controls, and they ward off the chill. ; And if they're black, they don't reflect when you're shooting through a window.