Disney's 'Earth' walks a fine line

I can't wait to see it! ; It's received great reviews!

And when you go the first week of the release, for every ticket purchased Disney will Plant a Tree!

Happy Earth Day!
I'm not overly interested in seeing it, but I do kinda' want to, as does my girlfriend. I think a lot of my ambivilance is because I already have Planet Earth on DVD, even though I... uh... have yet to watch the whole thing...
"CoryTheRaven" said:
I'm not overly interested in seeing it, but I do kinda' want to, as does my girlfriend. I think a lot of my ambivilance is because I already have Planet Earth on DVD, even though I... uh... have yet to watch the whole thing...

From what has been posted, the Planet Earth DVD is the same thing!

Stay home and watch it!LOL
I gather there are a few pieces of footage that aren't in the TV show, but mostly I've just heard Disney addressing the issue by pointing out that it's different seeing it on the big screen. That I will grant them.
We saw it today. I thought they would follow three animal families in depth throughout a year ... instead there were short pieces on many animals. Very much ; "National Geographic" special. I still think the photography was beautiful, and it was nice to see my girls enjoying it. Better than a horrible kids cartoon anyday! ; ;)

They showed animals hunting but only hinted at animals killing/dying ... nothing was shown to disturb the youngsters in the audience. Everything was implied.

They had a preview for the next Disney nature movie. "Oceans" will come out next Earth day.